Video Details

Title: Elohay - Kobi Oz & Rabi Nissim Messika - with English translation


Kobi's late grandfather was a paytan he sang piyutim hymns, After his death, the family found he had left hundreds of his piyutim on cassette. In this song Kobi sings a duet with his late granfather. This song is a direct and frank conversation with God.


(3 Stars/19384 Votes)

Time: 04:02

Uploaded: 2009-09-17 19:10:25

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Lessons 2

  • Exploring "Elohay" - Grade: 11
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  • I Have Returned To The Source: The Revitalization of Judaism - Grade: 13
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Elohay - Kobi Oz & Rabi Nissim Messika - with English translation

Video Keywords

Israel, Music, Hebrew, Beliefs/Theology, Jewish Practice/Halakhah, Tefillah