Video Details

Title: A Reuben By Any Other Name


Noble Savage Productions is thrilled to announce that we have completed our short comedy "A Reuben By Any Other Name." The film takes a humorous look at the differences between Orthodox and Reform Judaism played out in terms of the differences between the New York and Los Angeles versions of the Reuben sandwich. Brilliant performances are provided by an ensemble cast of familiar faces from film and television - Jasmine Anthony (Stephen King's 1408, Commander in Chief), Anita Barone (The War at Home, Daddio), Paul Ben-Victor (In Plain Sight, Entourage), Larry Cedar (The Crazies, Deadwood), Pamela Cedar, Alanna Ubach (Hung, Legally Blonde), and Matt Winston (John from Cincinnati, Little Miss Sunshine). Are you an Orthodox or Reform Reubenite? Watch the film and find out!


(3 Stars/19384 Votes)

Time: 04:17

Uploaded: 2010-09-21 10:58:14

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A Reuben By Any Other Name

Video Keywords

Culture, Film, Food, Humor, Jewish Practice/Halakhah, Kashrut, Jewish World Today, Denominations