Video Details

Title: Social Justice and Israel

Creator: New Israel Fund

This six and a half minute video features seven young Jewish people involved in social justice work. They talk about their social justice work and how that work an experience shapes or impacts their perspective on Israel. First screened at Love, Hate and the Jewish State a conversation event hosted by the New Israel Fund and Makom at the JCC in Manhattan on June 18, 2009, this video has been made available online to help those who were unable to attend, experience a taste of that conversation and to serve as an invitation for others to join. The video was produced by Kalicon Pictures. Kalicon Pictures is a video production services company that helps large organizations and individuals harness the power of video to reach their goals.


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Time: 06:36

Uploaded: 2010-03-04 13:38:47

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Social Justice and Israel

Video Keywords

Israel, Beliefs/Theology, Jewish World Today