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Title: Freedom Ride inspires participants to create change


Four Gray Line buses idle noisily at the curb by Branscomb Quadrangle as the sun slowly rises over a sleeping Greek Row. A group has quietly gathered on the steps out front -- a mix of students, faculty and staff -- shouldering overnight bags and sipping cups of coffee while members of the media prepare to capture their departure. Clearly, this is not just any trip. The group will ride from Nashville, Tenn., to Montgomery and Birmingham, Ala., retracing the Freedom Rides of 1961, which were part of the movement that led to the end of segregation in the South. What's more, several of the original Freedom Riders will join the group to share their experiences first-hand along the way. (2007 Emmy Advanced Media Documentary)


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Time: 13:09

Uploaded: 2011-03-31 19:35:17

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Freedom Ride inspires participants to create change

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Holidays, Pesach, History, Modern, Jewish World Today, Jewish Communities Around the World