Video Details

Title: Parshat Vezot Habracha

Creator: G-dcast

It's the end. Only....not. Tune in for the final parsha (portion) in the which some things are resolved, and some things are opened anew. Guest narrator, superstar youth writer David Levithan talks about having an ending worthy of a life...and a life worthy of a story. This is NOT the last episode of G-dcast...tune in next week to see how everything starts, again. This is Episode 54 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!


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Time: 03:26

Uploaded: 2009-10-08 18:02:15

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Parshat Vezot Habracha

Video Keywords

TaNaKh, Torah, dvarim