Video Details

Title: "Chaverim" (The Jewish unity song) by David Bar-Cohn

Creator: Shemesh Music

"Unity" is not about all of us coming to agreement religiously, politically or otherwise. It's about being able to *disagree* vehemently with someone, and yet still wanting the best for them, desiring their joy and seeking to alleviate their pain. If we can do this, even with our "opponents", not only will this create a culture of solution-building - it will cultivate the possibility for "Chaverim kol Yisrael" - where all Jews look out for one another, as friends do. Song and vocals by David Bar-Cohn Guitar by Bradley Fish Bass Guitar & Drums by David Epstein Produced by Shemesh Music ( The video was filmed in Jerusalem, Winter 2008, and can be found on the Rebbetzin Tap DVD "Get Ready for Shabbos". ( COMMENTS POLICY: Only respectful comments will be posted, and that certainly excludes those denigrating any particular group. In keeping with the theme of the song, I urge you to act as "friends" here :-)


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Time: 03:53

Uploaded: 2012-01-05 08:56:25

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"Chaverim" (The Jewish unity song) by David Bar-Cohn

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Israel, Life Events, Beliefs/Theology, Jewish World Today