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5 Videos without Lesson Plans

Yeshiva guy says over a vort
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
Yeshiva guy says over a dvar torah he heard from his rebbe. Absurdity ensues.
Time: 03:40

A.J. Jacobs: My year of living biblically
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
Artist: TED
Description: Speaking at the most recent EG conference, author, philosopher, prankster and journalist A.J. Jacobs talks about the year he spent living biblically -- following the rules in the Bible as literally as possible.
Time: 17:41

Parshat Shemini
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
Artist: G-D Cast
A musical in two acts, this week's G-dcast is so catchy that you'll be singing it in the shower for the rest of the year. (Just warning you.) From dead priests to unkosher feasts, Shemini has got it going on! This is Episode 26 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!
Time: 04:14

Todd & God: How to Go Green (Ep. 4) - My Jewish Learning
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
Artist: My Jewish Learning
God appears as Al Gore to teach Todd the commandment of bal tashhit, and how to be environmentally conscious. For all things Jewish, visit
Time: 03:41

The Joys of Sukkot - The Four Species Market
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
Description: visited the Sukkot four species market where throngs gathered to purchase the species to adorn their sukkot.The sukkot holiday has a dual significance, historical and agricultural. It commemorates the forty year period the children of Israel wandered in the desert living in temporar shelters and is also referred to as the harvest festival. The four species represent four different kinds of Jews, those who study Torah and those who keep mitsvot.
Time: 02:52

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