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1 Videos with Lesson Plans

FRONTLINE/World Guatemala: A Tale of Two Villages | PBS
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
FRONTLINE/World correspondents Greg Brosnan and Jennifer Szymaszek take a look at the lasting effects a U.S. immigration raid in Postville, Iowa, had on two small villages in Guatemala
Time: 15:07


8 Videos without Lesson Plans

Matzah: PassOver Unleavened Bread
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
Artist: KosherTube
A short description of how matzah is made for Passover complete with on the site interveiws.
Time: 00:00

A Kosher Konundrum
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
Artist: Jew in the City
A nice and basic explaination of Modern Orthodox approaches to kashrut and keeping kosher.
Time: 00:00

Matzo Man
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
Shake your booty to the joys of unleavened bread with The Chosen People and their Passover disco classic "Matzo Man"
Time: 01:48

Parshat Shemini
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
Artist: G-D Cast
A musical in two acts, this week's G-dcast is so catchy that you'll be singing it in the shower for the rest of the year. (Just warning you.) From dead priests to unkosher feasts, Shemini has got it going on! This is Episode 26 of the weekly Torah cartoon from Each week, a different storyteller - some musical, some poetic, some just straight-up, tell the story of the current Torah portion...and then we animate it!
Time: 04:14

If This Is Kosher... (Short)
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
An abbreviated version of the documentary recording the horrific conditions within the world's largest glatt kosher slaughterhouse, AgriProcessors Inc. Narrated by author, Jonathan Safran Foer, this video records the multiple abuses inflicted on animals within the plant. These conditions have raised questions within the Jewish community on the consumption of meat and exposed a scandal in the kosher meat industry. For more information please visit
Time: 04:46

Shechita and Kashrut of meat 1/2
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
An overview of Kosher slaughter in England.
Time: 10:00

A.J. Jacobs: My year of living biblically
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
Artist: TED
Description: Speaking at the most recent EG conference, author, philosopher, prankster and journalist A.J. Jacobs talks about the year he spent living biblically -- following the rules in the Bible as literally as possible.
Time: 17:41

A Reuben By Any Other Name
(Video Rated 3 Stars)
Noble Savage Productions is thrilled to announce that we have completed our short comedy "A Reuben By Any Other Name." The film takes a humorous look at the differences between Orthodox and Reform Judaism played out in terms of the differences between the New York and Los Angeles versions of the Reuben sandwich. Brilliant performances are provided by an ensemble cast of familiar faces from film and television - Jasmine Anthony (Stephen King's 1408, Commander in Chief), Anita Barone (The War at Home, Daddio), Paul Ben-Victor (In Plain Sight, Entourage), Larry Cedar (The Crazies, Deadwood), Pamela Cedar, Alanna Ubach (Hung, Legally Blonde), and Matt Winston (John from Cincinnati, Little Miss Sunshine). Are you an Orthodox or Reform Reubenite? Watch the film and find out!
Time: 04:17

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